Deed Information

To obtain a copy of your recorded deed please go to the Beaufort County Website, and print your deed off. The link to the Website is below:

If you have questions , or would like to change the form of ownership of your deed to joint tenancy, you can do so by your attorney.


   The Board is strongly recommending that each owner of a Sea Crest timeshare unit/week (“Unit”) review his/her deed to determine the precise form of legal ownership of your Unit.  The reason for this is the many owners, especially those of you that have owned for more than 15 years, have taken title to their property as “tenants in common”.  If your property is titled in this form of ownership, and one of the owners passes away, the result is that the surviving owner owns 50% of the Unit, and the other 50% is owned by the estate of decedent.

In contrast, if ownership of your Unit is referenced as being “joint tenants with rights of survivorship”, a deceased owner’s or spouse’s ownership interest passes directly by operation of law to surviving owner/spouse at the time of death, thus avoiding the need for probate court intervention.  If your deed simply names the owners of your Unit (Grantee(s)) with no further specificity, this means that you own as tenants in common under South Carolina law.

The fact that many owners continue to own their Units as tenants in common has caused a great deal of time and expense when it comes time to sell or transfer your interest to your properly, especially when one of the owners is deceased.  Our attorneys have recommended that our owners should be notified of this concern and asked to review their deeds.  Changing title to joint tenancy, if desired, can be done by a quitclaim deed recorded in the Beaufort County, South Carolina courthouse.

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